Saturday Night Slide Show is a dedicated group of 12 individuals committed to personal excellence in the Art of Photography.
Continuing to this day, still with two of the original founding members, SNSS now boasts a dozen members who meet monthly and share a deep passion for photographic art in all forms ... from traditional film slides to digital projection, from aluminum prints to vintage tin types …. from social landscape to portraiture, from roller derby to the subtle landscape ... from projection to print, from black & white to colour ... the Art of Photography is embraced by these twelve individuals with the same passion for the light that bonded the original group together, some three decades ago.
"A vague artist woman came tonight. She was well-equipted technically and keeps her soul well clamped under and caters to the surface wants of the public, starving her soul that the bodies of herself and family may thrive. She thinks we are here as sort of stop-gaps to keep the universe going and sometimes she doubts if there is any afterwards. She asked what set me to working this way. I don't know, any more than a dandelion knows why it's yellow. It's just growth, I guess. Lawren's work influenced me. Not that I ever aspired to paint like him but I felt he was after something I wanted too." - Emily Carr (Hundreds and Thousands)