Manufactured by Krasnogorsky Mechainichesky Zavod (KMZ) in Russia between 1967 and 1973 these rugid swing lens panorama cameras have become modern classics. Offering a full 120 degree distortion-free panorama image on 35mm film these cameras where generally used for landscape photography, however, today they have found favour in all genres, from landscape to social landscape.
The attraction is the distortion-free images which these swing-lens cameras deliver, especially compared to other ‘panoramic’ cameras which simply utilize a cropped wide angle lens approach to panorama images. Because the film in a swing-lens camera is exposed through a vertical slit within the rotating turret (the shutter speed determines the actual slit width), and the lens swings in a perfect circle with the slit, only the center portion of the lens, the optically sharpest part of the lens, is used during exposure … the typically softer outer corners (of any lens) is not used in a swing-lens camera, therefore these cameras produce amazingly sharp images at any aperture.
With a total production of only 49,849 of these cameras built they are now quite rare to locate in good condition, much less find one in excellent working condition … light leaks around the old disintegrated turret seals as well as slow turret rotation are the two most common reasons for early retirement of these now 40+ year-old cameras.
Fortunately resealing and refurbishing one of these robust Horizont’s returns it to life, making it ready to serve out another 40 years of amazing images! Several members of SNSS own and shoot with Horizonts, which have been fully refurbished by Brian Martin. Brian is the recognized world-wide overhaul expert for these cameras, from resealing of the turret to full refurbishing services. As well Brian buys and sells these cameras; his ads for both the servicing of customer cameras as well as his own fully overhauled cameras for sale can be located on eBay (see links supplied here as well).
A Horizont is a practical alternative to the much higher-priced swing-lens Noblex and Widelux 35mm cameras, these cameras offer a stunning 120 degree panoramic image which only a swing-lens panoramic camera can deliver!